Local News

"Don't Dodge the Issues" Dodgeball tournament returns April 30, 2022

It's back!!  After a hiatus from the pandemic, Mental Health America gladly announces the return of their "Don't Dodge the Issues" Dodgeball event!  With spectators free, a marvelous silent auction, concessions, and a Mental Health Fair, this public gathering is sure to entertain and inform the whole family.  There will be tables available from Mental Health Providers with information and materials available.


Kicking off Mental Health Awareness Month which starts the next day (May), doors open April 30, at 11:30 a.m. and the Dodgeball Tournament begins at 1 p.m. at Deer Meadow Primary School (1000 Deer Field Dr, Greencastle).  Several teams have already committed so sign up your team or join in to watch the fun and support a great cause!  All proceeds stay within Putnam County and benefit efforts in promoting community-wide mental health and MHAoPC (Mental Health America of Putnam County) programs.  


To register a team or for rules, regulations and entry fees, visit GetMeRegistered.com/ddidodgeballtournament, or to find out more about the event or MHAoPC, call 765-653-3310, email info@mhaopc.org, visit our Facebook page at fb.me/mhaopcindiana and follow us on Instagram at _mhaopc_.


Photo caption (credit Karen Martoglio):  These spirited members of Mental Health America of Putnam County hold the Dodgeballs to be used in MHAoPC’s reboot of their “Don’t Dodge the Issues” Dodgeball tournament and Mental Health Awareness event April 30th. Pictured here are Joanna Muncie (Special Liaison, Deer Meadow Primary School and MHAoPC Board member), Erin Flick (Counselor Cummins Behavioral Health Systems and MHAoPC board member) and Karen Martoglio (MHAoPC Executive Director)





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