Local News

Propane leak from Marathon pipeline stopped, clean-up underway

According to officials with Marathon Petroleum, the source of a natural gasoline leak near Fillmore has been identified and the release of product stopped. 

In an email to The Putnam County Post, a media representative for Marathon Petroleum said Marathon Pipe Line continues its response of petroleum product from its Robinson-Indiana-Ohio pipeline. 

"The pipeline was shut down Saturday night, the source of the release has been identified and the release of product stopped. Response crews are on site and continue clean-up and environmental remediation activities," the email said. 

Calls initially began coming into Putnam County Dispatch Sunday night of reports of a strong odor of propane in the area of 707 South County Road 525 East. Upon arrival, firefighters began checking houses in the area and then noticed the propane smell eased the farther out they traveled. In addition, they noticed a film on top of water in Dyer Creek. 

Immediately after being notified, Marathon Pipeline shut down the RIO pipeline and confirmed natural gasoline was leaking from the pipeline. 

As a result of the leak, fish in the creek were poisoned and some wildlife was killed. 

Fillmore Volunteer Fire Department Capt. Darrel Bunten told The Putnam County Post he has never been a part of anything like this in terms of a response. He also noted that since being released from the scene early Monday morning, he had not heard anything more about the incident and was unsure of a timeline on clean-up. Bunten said the fire department placed some absorbent pads for petroleum products known as booms in three different locations down stream from the leak site. 

"They still have a lot of testing to do before that can be determined, I'm sure," Bunten said. 

Officials with Marathon Petroleum told Putnam County Post the Marathon Pipe Line's top priorities remains the safety of responders and neighbors and to limit environmental impact. 

"No injuries have been reported as a result of this incident. Regulatory notifications have been made and the response is being coordinated with local, state and federal responders," officials said in an email to The Putnam County Post.






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