Local News

Putnam County Public Library introduces new "Library Express" service throughout county

The Putnam County Public Library has placed the first of several planned Library Express stations across the county. Beginning in February, residents around Russellville can pick up or drop off library materials at the Library Express location at Tri-County Bank & Trust. At the opening of the initial Express stop, bank CEO Chuck Dixon and his team also presented a $500 donation to the Library.


The Library Express stations are the culmination of a year of work on the project as well as partnerships between chosen locations and the library. The stations house material pick-up lockers, a free community book exchange shelf, and a dropbox for returning library materials. This will be in addition to the library’s existing outreach delivery service. The funding for the construction of the Library Express stops was provided in memory of Elizabeth L. Baughman.


“We are really excited to have a physical presence in several Putnam county communities outside of Greencastle. The Express Stops will allow patrons to pick up and return library materials when it is most convenient for them and their schedules.,” said Library Director Matt McClelland. “We owe a big thank you to CEO Chuck Dixon and his team at Tri-County Bank for making this first location a reality and for their generous donation.”


The Russellville location is the first of four locations planned for the county. The library’s outreach coordinator will deliver and pick-up materials on a regular schedule. Since the library announced their movement to being a fine-free library, materials dropped off in the Library Express dropboxes will incur no fines, even if they are returned or picked up late.


“I am so looking forward to making new connections throughout the county with patrons who would prefer a delivery service,” said Circulation Manager and outreach coordinator Conni Neiswinger. “This is a wonderful opportunity and I look forward to making new connections with patrons.”


To learn more about the Library Express stations or to place an order for materials, please call the library at 765-653-2755 or email library staff at outreach@pcpl21.org.


Left to Right: Paige Hoover, CEO Chuck Dixon, Director Matt McClelland, Marilyn Wehrman, Della Eastep, Steve McLaughlin





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