Local News

National Night Out a huge success

Thanks to Linda Merkle and her team, National Night Out was a huge success this year in Greencastle.

Numerous groups showed up to engage with and show their support for the community with events for children and family, free food and free supplies being handed out to families in the community.  Groups representing the community included but were not limited to the Hamilton Center, MHA Putnam County, Moose Lodge, Indiana National Guard, Boy Scouts of America Cub Scout Pack 99, Troop 99 and Troop 999, Putnam County Sheriff's Department, the Greencastle Police Department, Duke Energy, Coats for Kids, Rotten Ever After and Krypton Comics.


Attending groups showed support to the community with school supplies for children like backpacks, pencils, crayons, scissors, glue sticks, earbuds, Post-It Notes, informative picture books on how to handle bullying, sandals, and childrens books.

Community members and families could also find free things for everyone being given out at the event such as gun locks, stickers, candy, children's fire hats, snow cones, trading cards, a bag of groceries (upon leaving the event) and more. 

Childrens car seats for ages 6-8 were also available for free at the event being provided by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute, saying “We’re just trying to keep children safe”.

Families were seen enjoying free food including pizza, hot dogs and drinks.

Also available were a variety of activities like a biking obstacle course, and entry into a drawing for a free bike sponsored by Garl’s Bike shop upon completing the course, playing Rocket League together in the National Guard ESports Camper, attempting to dunk officers and Greencastle Superintendent Jeff Gibboney in a dunk tank sponsored by the Greencastle Police Department, getting their pictures taken in a variety of race cars provided by Moose Lodge, and getting their pictures taken in front of the air boat sponsored by Duke Energy.

The companies attending National Night Out also sponsored prizes for the raffle drawing, with a prize pool including two $25 gift cards, tickets to any Indianapolis Indians 2023 home game, tickets to the Indy Eleven and merchandise, a Plaza Lanes strike pack and pin, tickets to any showing at the Putnam County Playhouse 2023 season, 60 minute passes to Sky Zone, one day passes to Splash Island, WonderLab one-day free passes, and free games at 3G Bowl. 

National Night Out was a resounding success with the Greencastle community this year, having more groups show up to represent Greencastle, and a larger community turnout this year as well.






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