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West Nile reported in Putnam County

Warm temperatures combined with rain have served as the perfect recipe for mosquitos this summer, and as a result, health officials have confirmed West Nile Virus is present in Putnam County. 

The Indiana Department of Health confirmed they have found the presence of the disease in mosquitos, but also report that, as of Aug. 3, there have been no human cases confirmed. 

With that said, health officials are urging residents to exercise caution and protect themselves from West Nile Virus. 

Several tips to protect themselves include:

Application of insect repellent containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to clothing and exposed skin. 


Cover exposed skin with a hat, long sleeved clothing and pants where mosquitos are. 


Avoid being outdoors when mosquitos are most active, which is late afternoon, dusk to dawn and early in the morning. 


Discard old tires or any item that can hold water. 


Repair failed septic systems. 


Keep grass cut short and trim shrubs and hedges. 


According to the Indiana Department of Health, West Nile is the most commonly reported mosquito borne disease in both Indiana and America.

Anyone who believes they may have contracted West Nile Virus is asked to contact their primary care physician. 

In addition, the Putnam County Health Department is offering free mosquito briquets to help control mosquito larvae. They can be obtained by calling the health department at 765-301-7660. 

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