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Greencastle Schools embarks on mentorship program

While other school districts may be struggling to find teachers despite the school year starting, the Greencastle Community School Corporation is not. 

"The start to school has gone relatively smooth. We have new teachers and two new principals. The kids and teachers are settled in," superintendent Jeff Gibboney told The Putnam County Post. 

According to Gibboney, the district was short only two certified positions when school began. 

"Staffing has been an ongoing challenge since Covid. We are short two certified positions, but outside of that, we are full. We actively seek and recruit talent, and we have exciting things to offer inside our buildings, as well as competitive salaries and opportunities. The fact that we are in good shape goes to the people in our buildings and leadership," Gibboney said.

While the staffing is solid, there is one area that Gibboney will aim to improve across the district this school year and that is redefining mentorship. 

"It is hard to be a first year teacher, and we want to make sure support and mentors are in place. I am hopeful it'll help retain staff. We will provide access to mentors and pair up seasoned teachers with new teachers and bring new teachers together with each other. We want them to feel a connection to the community and their schools," Gibboney said. 

Gibboney also hopes that through the mentorship program, future leaders will be created who can take administrative jobs when they open up again. 

"We had two principal openings and no internal applicants this year. We want to do a better job grooming our staff to take the next step. We have to be more intentional. Teacher retention around the state has not been high, but Becky McPherson, our assistant superintendent, has led the charge with this program," Gibboney said. 

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