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Local couple forms nonprofit to give back to community

For Putnam County resident Jamie Buis and her husband, giving back is part of a higher mission. 
According to Buis, her and her husband know what it's like to hit rock bottom and bounce back, and she admits none of it wouldn't be possible without Jesus. 

"We have both been in rock bottom's basement and the only thing to save us was Jesus. My husband was driving to work one day and felt God speak to him and tell him we have to do something more for the Kingdom," Buis told The Putnam County Post. 

Buis said her husband had always wanted to help people and, as a cook, he had an idea of creating a food truck and pricing items at a $1, but something was telling him to do more. 

"We have been walking with God and growing in faith in Jesus and we that we have been called to something bigger than ourselves. People need to know that Jesus loves them and they are not alone. Sometimes our lives are the only Bible people will read and we want to represent Jesus and the Kingdom of God the best we can," Buis said. 

As a result, a nonprofit, Feed the 5K, was created by Buis and her husband. The mission is to help the community with free food and fellowship before traveling across the country and doing the same thing they are looking to do in Putnam County. 

"Our goal is to travel across the country for as long as God wants us to. We will be set up at parks or churches and give food away for free and offer fellowship and minister to everyone. The Bible says there is no favoritism, so whoever may need food or just someone to talk to, we will be there," Buis said. 

According to Buis, her husband will set up a grill wherever they may be at the time. 

"We plan on staying wherever we are for about a week at a time and then moving on to the next place," she said. 

Feed the 5K will begin Tuesday, Sept. 5, in Putnam County, as they will set up at Robe Ann Park, 621 Tennessee St., Greencastle, from 4 p.m. to until the need is met, according to Buis. 
Buis explained that while the need is great, it was important for her and her husband to start the nonprofit where they live. 

"The need is great everywhere, but we wanted to start here because it is where we live and it's local. I see all the time in the chatter pages that people always need help. Sometimes, they get what they need, but most of the time, they are met with negativity and that's not what Jesus would do. We feel we need to start somewhere, so we decided to start locally," Buis said. 

After this Tuesday, Buis said they will be holding events each Tuesday until Oct. 16, when they plan to leave on their trip across the country. 

"We just want people to see that the church is not a building, and we are nothing without God," Buis said. 

For those wishing to get involved or donate, Buis has set up a cashapp at $feedthe5K for donations, as well as Feed The 5K Facebook page. 

"Any donations get put back into the mission. We plan on posting on the Facebook page to let people know where we will be. For people who do not have social media, we plan to connect with local churches and local people. It's all led by God, we just obey," Buis said. 

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