Local News

Brazil haunted house looks to give back

A haunted house in Brazil will be making its return this month with a focus on giving back to the Putnam County area and surrounding areas. 

According to Fred Williams, of the Nightmare on Cass St., Brazil, the haunted house idea began around 2008 for a friend that died of cancer and proceeds were donated to the Cancer society. 

"We did one at Cunot Community Center/Ponderosa Cataract Falls, Greencastle's, the bowling alley and one in a barn off 231, where we had 1,000 customers come through. Now, we have started a non-profit, Bring Back Fun for All, Inc. Life is all about laughs, smiles, and like this, scares," said Williams. 

The festivities will be held on Oct. 27 and Oct. 28 from 9 p.m. until midnight on both nights at 116 Cass St., Brazil. Parking will be available at the Save A Lot parking lot. Tickets are $7.50 in advance and $10 the night of and can be purchased at Dads Tire and Auto Sales, 118 S. Cass St., Brazil, Wednesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. or at 4 West Market St., Cloverdale Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 6 p.m. 

Williams said the festivities are open to anyone, regardless of age. 

"We want everyone to take part in one way or another so everyone can enjoy laughs, smiles and scares," Williams said. 

Williams also said as the Halloween themed festivities grow, he is interested in bringing more fun activities to Putnam County, including bake sales and other events to get people moving. 

"Keep in mind, 100 percent of money raised stays here to help us bring other fun things to the community," Williams said. 





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