Local News

Cunot Food Pantry asking for help after accident

The timing couldn't be any worse. 
The Cunot Food Pantry suffered a major loss over the weekend, as it fell victim to a drunk driver who put the front end of his vehicle inside the shed, which destroyed both refrigerators and a freezer, as well as half of the food that would have been used for Christmas baskets next month. 

"It is really tough. We serve almost 200 households a month," Mable Capps, director of the Cunot Food Pantry, told The Putnam County Post. 

The accident came on the heels of the Thanksgiving weekend, as the pantry had just given out Thanksgiving baskets, helping 119 families. 

"We lost half of the food that was in our pantry, two refrigerators, one freezer, a small electric heater, a $4,000 shed that we insulated, hung paneling and put shelves and a loft in and wired, five plastic 6-foot tables, two 4-foot tables, a large glass top patio table and the metal shed behind the Pantry shed is badly damaged and cannot be repaired," Capps said. 

Capps said despite the damage, the mission continues. 

"We are still seeking donations and helping hands with getting the big building done and cleaned up after the insurance adjuster comes out," she said. 

She is asking anyone who would like to help to come on out to Cunot Food Pantry, 4750 State Highway 42, Poland. 

"Just show up and help. I'll be there from 10 am to 6 pm every day. We need canned goods, non-perishable foods, frozen foods, freezers and refrigerators brought to us. I can't pick them up, as I have to be at the pantry to be able to get work done so that we can have the Pantry open this week on Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. We need people who can clean, paint, do drywall, change plug ins, take out shelves and rebuild shelves, put food on shelves, do a small amount of plumbing. There is plenty to do," Capps said.

Capps said the damage extends beyond the building. 

"We run the pantry on donations only, so the fundraisers, yard sales and a few community churches has been what keeps us going, along with the support of the community, which we love. We have neighbors coming not only here in Owen County, but they come from Putnam County, Clay County, Greene County, Monroe County and Vigo County. It doesn't matter where they live, if they need a helping hand, we are here to help. That's why we volunteer to do all we can," said Capps, who added she is still planning on doing the Christmas basket giveaway on December 16. 





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