Local News

Greencastle Fire Department sees variety of runs in cold weather

With sub zero temperatures, snow and wind bearing down on Putnam County at various points during the weekend, there were plenty of variables that could've proven disaster for residents.
But, according to Greencastle Fire Chief Rob Frank, the weekend weather wasn't too bad for his department. 
By Monday afternoon, the department had responded to 11 responses, with almost half of them being medical runs, according to Frank. 

"We had five medical runs, three fire alarms, a possible vehicle fire that wasn't on fire, a mutual aid fire with Fillmore and a small grease fire at McDonald's that was out when we got there," Frank said. 

The mutual aid with Fillmore was on Monday, as firefighters responded to a small wooden barn fully engulfed at 233 South County Road 550 East, Fillmore. 
Frank said several small pigs were lost in the fire. 

"We were able to stop the fire from spreading to an adjacent pole barn building," Frank said. 





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